Barry Champlain (Eric Bogosian) is a loud mouthed, annoying and downright mean late night talk radio host who enjoys calling out his listeners and the greater Dallas area citizens for who they truly are. They, in turn, do not wish to hear it. People love to hate him, at least, that's how he sees it. His boss, Dan (Alec Baldwin), has just informed him there are plans in motion to make Barry's show nationally syndicated. He is torn about whether it would be a good thing or a bad thing. He calls on the comfort of both old and new friends to get him through the transition.
Loosely based on the life of Alan Berg, Bogosian plays Barry as a self-obsessed person who cannot fathom his success. He just talks. There was one great monologue towards the end of the movie that reiterates this notion. This movie was just good. In the end, nothing really stood out about it. Working in media, I was hoping it would speak more to me than it did. It was a good movie, so I do recommend it, but don't expect anything great.