Kate Beckinsale plays Rachel Armstrong, a Judith Miller-esque reporter who is on the verge of releasing an article claiming Vera Farmiga's Erica Van Doren is a covert CIA operative responsible for some civil unrest in Venezuela (a la Valerie Plame). After the story goes public, everyone is up in arms. The newspaper loves it, the Defense department hates it, and the White House won't say a thing. Armstrong is eventually jailed and charged with contempt for not giving up her source. Matt Dillon is Patton Dubois, the hotshot new lawyer ready to sink his teeth in and make an example of Armstrong. Through the whole ordeal, Rachel's life, every aspect of it, suffers.
I really enjoyed this film. It kept me on my toes and guessing throughout the entire film exactly what would happen. I knew enough about the Plame/Miller case to see the parallels, but there were some obvious fabrications that I didn't mind. I recommend this film to those who like political or courtroom dramas.
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