Brothers Stephen and Bloom (Mark Ruffalo and Adrien Brody) have had a very troubled life. They grew up jumping from foster home to foster home before eventually striking out on their own after discovering the amazing world of confidence men. Conning their way through life, Bloom hates how Stephen is always mapping his life and constantly tries to quit the business, only to be pulled back in. As these movies go, it's time for one last score. With their silent partner Bang Bang (Babel's Rinko Kikuchi), they decide on the loner millionaire Penelope Stamp (Rachel Weisz). The con being that they are convincing her to commit a different con. Her ambition and the brothers pasts soon come to be too much to handle.
This movie made not have had the greatest of resolutions, but it was a fun ride. It was basically a mix of The Sting with a little bit of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels thrown in. The humor came from Bang Bang's perfectly-timed facial expressions and Penelope's love for collecting hobbies...and I did write that correctly. It's very noir-ish, so that could throw some people off but I enjoyed it.
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