Barney Ross and Lee Christmas (Sylvester Stallone and Jason Statham) are the leaders of a groups of mercenaries who take on the hardest jobs possible and always have the best outcomes. Things get tricky after one of their group, Gunner (Dolph Lundgren), starts acting apart from the group and is banned. After that, they are one man down and now have a new mission. They are recruited through the CIA to head to a small island nation in the Caribbean to try and kill the ruthless military leader who has taken control. Eventually, they realize the military general is not the one they should be going after, it's the rogue CIA operative who has gone into business for himself in this illegal game. They are reserved in their thoughts about the mission, but take it to help the people of the country. How will they ever get out?
This movie has all the badass action stars you can think of...and Randy Couture, who can't act worth a damn. It's a bloodbath throughout the whole thing, and that part's kind of fun. When they actually try to through meaningless love angles and loyalty plot lines in, I don't care. I was surprised as well as happy to see Terry Crews in this because I think the man is hilarious. To watch this, you need a complete blank slate and expect nothing more than action. Grade: C
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