Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Eagle Eye (2008)

This movie had moments where it was fun to watch and a little bit exciting. But I couldn't help notice the similarities between this and a certain 2004 movie. I can't really say which movie, because it may give away some of the plot of this one.

Shia LaBeouf plays Jerry Shaw, a broke Chicagoan who starts receiving a series of mysterious phone calls after his twin brother is killed in a car accident. Michelle Monaghan plays Rachel Holloman, a divorced mother who starts receiving mysterious phone calls after placing her son on a train for a school band trip. The calls lead Jerry and Rachel to cross paths and begin doing the bidding of the mystery voice. They are told to do things that are illegal and they must elude the feds along the way. In between all that is a lot of action.

The movie was more fun that I expected, but the plot was ridiculous and so "out there" at parts that you know it's not possible. Not to mention that certain 2004 movie it's like. It stars an actor whose name rhymes with Sill Wmith.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't seen this yet, because I thought it looked too "out there," or cheesy! I guess I'll have to put it in the Cue!
